hyperbole examples
June 18, 2024
Author : Antony Dexter

Sometimes to express our feelings and make them impactful, we go overboard. For 10 difficult questions in the exam, we express our frustration and surprise by calling them ‘a million questions’. Well, millions would be the population, the stars and the galaxy. But questions in the exam? Highly unlikely, isn’t it? This exaggerated comparison and expression of feelings is called hyperbole. In this article, you will learn more about it through hyperbole examples, definitions and importance in academia. 

What is Hyperbole? 

Hyperbole is a figure of speech in which things are expressed in exaggeration or in an extravagant way. The word hyperbole comes from the Greek word Hyperballein which means “to exceed''. When you break down the word, Hyper means beyond and bellein means to throw. Hence, hyperbole means exceeding the meaning of a word or feelings. 

Since it is a figure of speech, it is mainly used in creative writing and literature. However, for the same reason, it can be used in other fields too to express arguments in a creative way. 

Now, for your understanding, let us look at some hyperboles with examples that you use on a daily basis. 

Examples of Hyperbole

hyperbole examples

While these were some common examples of hyperbole that even you must have used unknowingly in your regular conversations. Now, let us look at hyperbole examples used by professionals- mainly authors of literature. This will help you gain an idea of how you can use hyperboles professionally or academically. 

In the World of Literature 

  1. “The skin hung loose about his bones, like an old lady’s loose gown.” George Orwell in Down and Out in Paris and London 
  2. “He was as tall as a six-foot-three-inch tree.” – Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
  3. “I will have such revenge on you both that all the world shall—I will do such things—what they are yet I know not; but they shall be the terrors of the earth.” – William Shakespeare, King Lear
  4. “I was helpless. I did not know what in the world to do. I was quaking from head to foot, and could have hung my hat on my eyes, they stuck out so far.” – Mark Twain, Old Times on the Mississippi
  5. “I felt so lonesome, all of a sudden. I almost wished I was dead.” – J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

Similarly, other fields too use hyperboles to enhance their presentation. Seek help from examples of hyperbole to study the usage of hyperboles in different fields of study.

In the World of Business 

  1. Find the world’s top-class coffee to be transported to coffee-heaven 
  2. Our brand is here to revolutionise the world through its exceptional services 
  3. Find the best quality products at the lowest price or unbeatable price
  4. Sign up to transform your body, thoughts and life through our fitness challenges
  5. Experience an ultimate luxurious getaway at our resort this weekend.

 Now that we have reached the stage of presentation, let’s delve into how we can use hyperbole in academic papers. Seek help from paper help if you want further guidance. 

How to Use Hyperbole in Academic Papers? 

How to Construct a Hyperbole? 

Firstly, you need to know how to construct a hyperbole. For this, you have to focus on the aspect you want to exaggerate and use the right adjective for it. The hyperbole should be clear to the audience i.e. the audience must know that your comparison is just an exaggeration and not a truth. 

Use in Small Quantities 

Usually, the usage of hyperboles is not encouraged in academic papers because of their inaccuracy. However, using hyperbole can make your paper creative. So use them but not so often.

Give Evidence’

For example, you are talking about an aspect of your field of study that you don’t agree with. You express your feelings or opinions about it through hyperbole. But that’s not enough to show your disagreement. If you have used hyperbole which exaggerates the feelings, you must explain why you needed such exaggeration. What is it about the aspect of the study that makes your disagreement go overboard? Undergo the papers that have used hyperbole with examples. And note down their way of writing. 

Formal Language 

Even though hyperbole is not as formal as academic writing, you have to use it in a way that doesn’t affect the format and flow of the assignment. Words like ‘ground-breaking’ and ‘unparalleled’ can be used. When To 

Write Hyperbole 

Now, when you are using hyperbole in an academic paper, you need to be aware of the sections where it is permissible. For example, you cannot use hyperbole in the literature review section, methodology, data collection, result or data analysis. All these sections are factual and hence cannot accommodate a fictional idea of hyperbole. Use hyperbole examples available online to curate a fitting hyperbole for your paper. 

Where can you Use Hyperbole in your Paper? 


You can use hyperbole in the introduction of your paper. The hyperbole can emphasise the importance of research by comparing it with the existing knowledge. It will also make the research statement impactful by comparing it with the change it can bring to humanity. 


Next, you can use hyperbole in the Abstract section. Since the abstract is a summary of your entire paper, hyperboles can help in emphasising the points better. 


Lastly, you can use hyperbole in the body of your paper. The arguments you make can embed hyperboles to make it impactful.

But always remember that the context of the hyperbole must be clear. The reader should be able to differentiate between what is a fact or truth and what is a hyperbole. Study the usage of examples of hyperbole to clearly understand how they are used in academic papers. 

Importance of Hyperbole 

Even though hyperbole is discouraged from usage in academic papers, it has some benefits too- engagement, emphasis and expression


When you use hyperboles in your paper, readers will be interested and attracted towards your work. They will understand your context with a tinge of enjoyment by the exaggeration and the adjectives and comparison you made. 


Using hyperboles can make your paper more impactful. When you use hyperbole to describe a certain aspect, readers will be more convinced. The emphasis created by hyperbole will depict the significance and urgency of your findings. 


You use hyperbole to express yourself in academic papers to be more impactful about your opinion. Readers too use hyperboles to understand the concepts clearly. Hyperboles create an image in the readers’ minds with which they are easily able to relate. 

Until now, you must have gained knowledge about hyperbole and its usage. If you are planning to use hyperbole in the academic paper, be very careful of your tone, format and choices. Don’t compromise with the credibility of the paper. Better, you get your paper proofread and reviewed by an assignment helper

To grow your knowledge further in hyperboles, read fiction which is laden with hyperboles. Note down the hyperbolic statements, the images and adjectives used and the technique of comparison. Then practice it in your daily life to catch a hold of it. So let’s wrap up so that you can focus on your individual learning of hyperboles. 

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About the Author

Antony Dexter

Antony has over 12 years of expertise in sports academics. Having undergone multiple learning curves whilst editing scores of academic solutions and while curating assignments for students from sports academies. He is much satiated with the association as an expert with My Assignment Services. He believes that learning never stops and I find much solace in writing and reading non-fiction works on Life Skills.


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